Media Moves

NY Times appoints Vecsey deputy content editor, news print hub

July 11, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

The following was sent out from The New York Times’ Tom Jolly, Sam Farlow, Ian Trontz and John Woods:

Dave Vecsey

We are pleased to announce that Dave Vecsey is taking on the crucial new role of deputy content editor on the News Print Hub, working closely with our Planning Team and with Ian Trontz in preparing our showcase Sunday newspaper.

One of Dave’s primary responsibilities will be to ensure that our inside news pages for Sunday are as strong as possible and, to that end, he will work with reporting desks to find stories that work well in the paper with our largest readership. He’ll also serve as the content editor on Saturday, steering the Sunday paper through its first editions.

Beyond that, he’ll work with Susan Hopkins in assigning editors to projects, working in tandem with our designers.

Dave came to The Times in 2007 from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, where he worked as the Sports slot editor. He has also worked at, and The Peoria Journal Star in Illinois.

At The Times, he has worked in both print and digital with Metro, The Times Magazine, the News Desk and the Print Hub.

Please congratulate Dave on his promotion.

— Tom Jolly, Sam Farlow, Ian Trontz and John Woods

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