Media Moves

Nonprofit news outlet names Pothier editor and CEO

August 22, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

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Mark Pothier

The Plymouth Independent has reached its first major milestone, hiring Mark Pothier, one of the Boston Globe’s most accomplished editors, to be its CEO and Editor, putting the Independent on track to start publication this Fall.

For Pothier, the new position marks his return to a community news leadership role in Plymouth. Before being hired by the Globe in 2001, he was the executive editor for 14 years of MPG Newspapers, which included the Old Colony Memorial when that newspaper provided substantive coverage of the town. It no longer does.

Pothier, who has lived in Plymouth since 1985, joined the Globe after spending a year as a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University.

At the Globe, he initially was the editor of Globe South, which covered Plymouth and 47 other communities. He was then deputy business editor, business editor and assistant managing editor of the Opinion Pages.

Since 2016, he has been a senior editor for the Business section, managing and editing coverage of major issues, including life sciences and the economy.

In addition to his editing experience, Pothier is a first-rate reporter and writer, as well as the author of scores of high impact articles for the Globe and its Sunday Magazine.

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