Media Moves

Montana paper names Friend-Teale as publisher

April 10, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

The Cut Bank Pioneer Press, a weekly newspaper in north-central Montana, has appointed Leesa Friend-Teale its new publisher.

Leesa Friend-Teale (Photo:

Friend-Teale writes:

Here’s a little history about myself. After high school, I remained in my hometown of less than 5,000 people. Choosing to raise my family in Winchester was never a hard decision to make. Living in what was once my grandparents old homestead, the family-friendly atmosphere made for a great place to live and watch your kids grow.

My newspaper career began in December of 1994. Beginning as an Advertising Representative, I was promoted to Advertising Manager and then onto Publisher in 2004. For 5 years I learned the in’s and out’s of running a newspaper. So much so that I could do anything needed to produce the daily paper, but I just couldn’t run the printing press.

Wanting to be the high school football and golf mom to my kids, in 2009 I made the decision to leave the newspaper industry to open my own print and ad agency.

Although the company proved successful, I missed the newspaper industry.  Over the years, I was approached about returning to the newspaper but the timing wasn’t right. However in Septemer of 2017 I did return to the industry.

By this time, I had been a member of the Winchester City Council for over 5 years and was proudly serving the citizens in making those tough fiscal decisions for the greater good of the community.

Serving as a Publisher and City Councilman wasn’t a popular decision with a few people.  But I chose to be fair and true to both entities and over time the accountability I had dedicated, to both council and the newspaper, was recognized.

Fast forward to 2023 and here I am in Cut Bank, Montana. Since I have been in town, I am happy that I have experienced the same hometown feeling here as I did living 1,700 miles away.  Everyone has been welcoming and as an “outsider” that is very refreshing.

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