Grid, which focuses on hard news analysis and investigative reporting, has launched. The new D.C.-based media company is a product of Laura McGann, former politics editor of and Politico, and Mark Bauman, previously with the National Geographic and ABC News.
“Our goal in 2022 is to introduce ourselves and showcase what we do through a number of products,” said McGann. “We have a coordinated rollout plan of earned and paid media and a social push.”
The previously unnamed company aims to differentiate itself by providing deep reporting and analysis for a select few topic areas shaping the modern world.
Further, the company’s business will be supported by advertising and it eventually plans to wade into subscriptions and professional services.
Some hires by Grid, include former Science News reporter Jonathan Lambert, Chris Geidner as deputy editor for legal affairs, Lauren Morello as science editor, previously with Politico, and Washington Post’s Steve Reilly as investigative reporter to name a few.
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