Media Moves

Bolzen appointed D.C. correspondent at Welt

January 25, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

Stefanie Bolzen

Die Welt, the flagship publication of Axel Springer, has promoted Stefanie Bolzen to Washington D.C. correspondent. She begins March 1.

Bolzen has been with Welt for 21 years, serving as a UK correspondent for the past 10. She covered Brexit, five Prime Ministers and three general elections. She also conducted exclusive interviews with leading politicians.

She joined the publication working on the foreign desk and later served as E.U. and NATO correspondent.

Bolzen won the Foreign Press Association Award (Best Foreign Language Story about Britain) in 2019.

Bolzen graduated from the Universities of Cologne in Germany and Seville in Spain.

You can congratulate Bolzen on Twitter.

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