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Stelter returning to CNN as chief media analyst

September 3, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Brian Stelter

Longtime media industry reporter Brian Stelter is returning to CNN as chief media analyst.

He will helm the “Reliable Sources” newsletter, develop digital content and appear on television.

Stelter writes, “All the while I remained an avid reader of Reliable Sources, and especially admired Oliver Darcy‘s fearless reportage, as well as his decision to launch Status last month. I’m rooting for Oliver and, as I have told him personally, I think we’re going to complement each other wonderfully.

“With the help of incredible CNN colleagues on the media beat like Hadas Gold, Jon Passantino and Liam Reilly, I want to reimagine the Reliable Sources digest and deliver what you value most. Everyone and everything is a source now. So what’s reliable?

“Reliable Sources will officially relaunch on Monday, September 9, but before then I want to hear from you. What do you want to know about the wide world of media? Which sources do you rely on, and why? What do you wish would change?”

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