Hanaa Tameez of Nieman Lab spoke with The Markup’s incoming editor in chief Sisi Wei about her interest in the position.
Here is an excerpt:
TAMEEZ: Why The Markup? Why now?WEI: I mentioned before that my skill set is rare for an editor-in-chief. I’ve spent years doing the investigative reporting, data analysis, writing, editing, and coding work that are at The Markup’s core. I’ve banged my head against coding problems that seemed impossible to solve, just as I’ve investigated the code that websites are built on and detected wrongdoing. I’ve designed and edited visual journalism that communicates in seconds the emotional gravity of an issue, just as I’ve created tools that democratize data that every single member of the public should have a right to see and use. I’ve also benefited from an incredible amount of time and space to look at journalism from a broad perspective, and to think critically about how newsrooms should operate, and how we can best serve and listen to our communities. Marrying all of those experiences together just made sense.As for why now — The Markup’s tech accountability coverage addresses one of the most important and urgent issues of our time. Technology is so ubiquitous in so many people’s lives, and the need to dig deep into what the technology we use everyday is actually doing, often without our actual consent, is more important than ever.
To read more, go here.