
The Epoch Times is looking for writers

February 6, 2022

Posted by Margarita Sanabria

The Epoch Times is looking for writers who are passionate and knowledgeable in the field of classical art.


We have two magazines: Radiant Life and American Essence as well as an online platform: Bright. We are hiring for both print as well as online articles.

American Essence Magazine is also a nonpolitical magazine that aims to showcase the values and traditions of American culture with stores of the people and places, past and present, that helped and continue to help shape this nation. Fine art articles for American Essence include American architecture and houses of beauty, traditional American artists and musicians that helped establish the culture as well as cinema and film stars that inspired the nation and the American people.

Radiant Life Magazine is a nonpolitical magazine that aspires to revive traditional culture with lifestyle content that uplifts and inspires readers. Articles in classical art, music, craft and architecture aims to showcase the timeless beauty of master artists and craftsman throughout antiquity.

The website for Bright is The Epoch Times (see below).


We are looking for experienced, freelance writers that are passionate and knowledgeable in the field of classical art to cover areas in the following categories:

  • Traditional Art (Paintings and Sculptures from Renaissance to early 1900s)
  • Classical Architecture and Houses of Beauty in America as well as Europe
  • Classical Music
  • Traditional Arts and Craft
  • Literature and Poetry
  • History of Performative Art (opera, theatre and ballet)
  • Golden age of Film and Cinema


  • All applicants must send a sample of their writing along with their resume


  • Magazine articles are $250 per article. Online content may range from $100-250 per article. You may negotiate rate based off experience and expertise.
  • We are hiring for both print as well as online articles. Article length can vary from 500 to 2500 words. Articles to be published in our magazines will be roughly 900-2,000 wordcount and articles that are published to our online website can be 500 to 1,000 wordcount.


For more information, visit their websites: Radiant Life, American Essence, and The Epoch Times.

Please email all questions and submissions to


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