Select Advisors Institute is seeking a highly advanced and eloquent part-time freelance writer to help us with original blog, article, white paper, Advertising and Branding writing to join our fast-growing team.
The ideal candidate must be able to turn around our assignments within 24 hours.
Select Advisors Institute is one of the nation’s top marketing and branding agencies for the financial industry. We have been featured in Barron’s, the Wall Street Journal, InvestmentNews and many many more publications. Our current network of wealth management and financial firms is over $30 billion under management.
–Some assignments require you to read the backup articles and blogs we give you and convert it into original content
–Some assignments require you to come up with taglines and branding
–Some assignments require you to edit something done by others
–Some assignments require you to listen to our interview with someone and convert it into an article.
Here’s the quality of writing we are going for:
Advanced writing skills, either working for an established national newspaper, or a journalism or writing master’s.
- Master’s (Preferred)
- Write a short introduction about yourself
- Include a paragraph highlighting your writing experience, relevant credentials and publication credits
- Attach links to your strongest work or portfolio, and online profile.
Application Question(s):
- Do you have a Linkedin profile? If so, please include it here.
- Show me a tagline for a wealth management firm that wants to say we are “non vanilla” but be more clear to others what he means. However, we want it to be symbolic so it can be used as an image too. For example, non vanilla you can use images of yogurt and use words like “culture”.
What tagline would you use to talk about a firm that wants to say they are not traditional and don’t use boring stocks and bonds like everyone else?
- What does your schedule look like to be able to create our projects for us? Ie. Do you see yourself doing our writing assignments at night, during the work day, etc.
- Are you also interested in client conversations and meetings, or are you more a “behind the scenes” type of person?
- $100.00 – $500.00 per week
For more information, visit their website.