Journo Jobs

Pulitzer Center seeks environment investigations editor

September 15, 2020

Posted by Irina Slav

The Pulitzer Center is seeking an environment investigations editor. This is a leadership role with a big mandate: to inspire a diverse team of top-notch journalists to work collaboratively across borders on game-changing stories at the intersection of climate change, corruption and governance.


  • Shaping the vision and strategy of the Rainforest Investigations Network and recruiting a core coordinating team, including a technology/data specialist
  • Recruiting and reviewing applications to identify the most promising journalists for the network and the most ambitious projects to support, in collaboration with host newsrooms in the rainforest regions of Southeast Asia, the Congo Basin, and the Amazon
  • Inspiring and coordinating the network of investigative journalists and newsrooms
  • Identifying and/or developing, alongside the technology/data specialist, the most useful datasets, networking platforms and digital tools to support the work of the investigative journalists and host newsrooms
  • Participating in select events that bring journalists and their work to the Center’s network of schools, community colleges, universities, and two annual conferences
  • Leading the organization of virtual and in-person meetings and events
  • Performing administrative tasks as needed
  • Ensuring communication and collaboration with the Pulitzer Center’s Rainforest Journalism Fund initiative
  • Working with journalist grantees and host newsrooms to assure timely and successful completion of projects

The Center is looking for an editor with a proven track record in investigations, superb collaboration skills, and experience managing complex reporting projects on the environment.

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