NerdWallet has been around since 2009, helping consumers make smart financial decisions. We cover the spectrum of consumer finance — banking, credit cards, education, health care, insurance, investments, mortgages, shopping, travel — you name it. We’re doubling our staff this year.
The job:
- Slot, manage and coach copy editors. 10-12 direct reports, including several you’d help hire as we build out our team.
- Work with copy editors, assigning editors, writers and other colleagues to consistently produce quality content that meets our business needs.
- Consistently offer actionable feedback to copy editors as part of daily workload.
- Consistently offer actionable guidance to copy editors for longer-term career development.
- Write reviews and work with copy editors on goal-setting.
Minimum requirements:
- At least three years’ experience slotting and managing at midsize or larger daily news outlets, or wire services. (Candidates without this experience will not be considered.)
- A strong record of handling copy and leading copy editors. Soft skills, as well as editing skills.
We test candidates and look for smart questions and smart edits. We want editors who spot holes in stories, know how to plug them and will do whatever it reasonably takes to produce clear, concise stories for users. Grammar and style are just table stakes.
Telecommuting is not an option. This job is based in San Francisco. Relocation expenses are available.
To apply, go here.