Inc. is the voice of the American entrepreneur. We inspire, inform, and celebrate the risk-takers and curious go-getters at the centers of innovation and new business development. Some of the best-known people we’ve “discovered” include: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Tony Hsieh., the website for Inc. Magazine, is seeking a senior editor with a passion for online business news and deep interest in entrepreneurs and their stories.
Responsibilities include:
analyze real-time traffic and social data to program the homepage and daily newsletters
write and review regular traffic reports for staff and columnists with summaries, including analysis, recommendations and action steps
collaborate with social media team to promote content
edit and mentor reporters
recruit and edit columnists
write must-click headlines
manage editorial packages
The ideal candidate has:
zeal for web analytics
experience in data-driven decision-making
exceptional talent for writing irresistible web headlines
excellent editing skills
superior news judgment
a strong voice
a sense of fun
an intuitive grasp of what gets shared online
dedication to web journalism
at least three years as a business or financial journalist
The job is based in New York and reports to the executive editor of
Does this sound like you? Send an email explaining why and your resume to Miles Merwin at
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