
Hothouse is looking for writers

March 9, 2022

Posted by Margarita Sanabria

Hothouse is looking for writers to tell personal stories of people working hard to end climate change.


Hothouse is a new climate action newsletter. It focuses on inspiring personal stories of people tackling climate change, from technologists and entrepreneurs to farmers and community activists. Using a solutions journalism approach, it explores a different climate topic each month and explain how these complex global issues relate to our own daily lives.


Each month we focus on a different theme told through strong, personal stories about people working hard to end climate change. We want to give readers inspiring stories with actionable insights they can relate to their own lives. You should take a solutions journalism approach, critically examining evidence for what works and why. Our tone is positive, inquisitive, and inspiring. A few things we love:

  • Well-framed, nuanced ideas that tell us something new
  • Compelling characters and strong personal stories (no need to be famous or powerful).
  • Critical and rigorous examination of solutions. You should feel comfortable reviewing the scientific literature (if applicable).
  • Counterintuitive takes on conventional wisdom

Your own original ideas! Upcoming themes include mental health, travel, work, fashion, laundry, climate philosophers, outdoor adventurers, science historians, post-partisan climate politics, talking to kids about the climate crisis. Send us something we’ve never considered.


To pitch, send a succinct 1-2 paragraph description of your story idea and how you plan to execute it. Include a few bullet points about what topics you normally cover, where you are based, and several clips from the last two years (with links). Please make sure to review the elements of a good solutions journalism story.


  • 50c per word. Profiles are up to 800 words long and features are up to 1500 words. Hothouse is primarily for US and UK audiences.


For more information, visit their website.




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