
RTO Insider seeks a California energy and climate reporter

January 24, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

Fast-growing trade publication (www.rtoinsider.com) covering the electric power industry and climate policy seeks an energetic, inquisitive beat reporter in California to cover regulatory and legislative policy news and write enterprise features.

The best reporters know how to go narrow and deep on a subject, gaining enough expertise to translate complex issues into readable prose. This position provides an excellent opportunity to hone your craft. In some cases, you’d be the only reporter in the room. An added bonus: almost everything you’d cover would occur during weekdays.

This company is fully remote, with 20 reporters, editors and correspondents strategically located around the U.S. The person filling this position must be willing to live in or near Sacramento/Folsom.

You’d cover frequent policy meetings in Folsom of the California Independent System Operator(CAISO), which manages the state’s electric grid and wholesale electric markets — a combination of an air traffic controller and the New York Stock Exchange. This includes CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market and the Western Energy Imbalance Market. You’d also cover regulatory news involving theFederal Energy Regulatory Commission. Enterprise topics would include industry trends, new technologies, climate change policy, wildfires, etc.

You’d also cover relevant policy issues at state agencies that oversee California’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. That includes the legislature, the governor, the California Energy Commission and theCalifornia Air Resources Board.

We seek candidates with at least three years of reporting experience. Knowledge of economics, statistics and business concepts is helpful.

The salary is competitive; benefits are generous. Some conference travel is expected.

Send a resume and up to five of your best clips to careers@rtoinsider.com.

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