
Rest of World seeks a Southeast Asia editor

Rest of World is an international non-profit newsroom that challenges expectations about whose experiences with technology matter. We connect dots across a rapidly evolving digital world, through on-the-ground reporting in places typically overlooked and underestimated.

Since launching in 2020, we’ve published stories from nearly 100 countries outside the West. Our work explores the spaces where tech, business, culture and human experience collide, through compelling storytelling and fresh, innovative design.

Our journalism ranges from deep authoritative reporting to highlighting surprising online cultural phenomenons. We’ve covered everything from gig workers, internet shutdowns, and supply chain abuses to livestreaming battles, disappeared influencers, and unexpected crypto contagion. Our reporting has won recognition in the U.S. and internationally, and our work has prompted companies and policymakers to take action.

We are looking for an editor who can manage local contributors, commission and edit a broad mix of stories, and develop ideas to build our coverage of Southeast Asia. This role will be the creative engine for determining how we cover countries across Southeast Asia, Japan, and South Korea, and will be tasked with editing, reporting and collaborating with our team in New York on ambitious editorial projects. We’re looking for a well-rounded utility player who combines rigorous editing skills with a background, or strong interest in, tech journalism.

The role can be based in any major Southeast Asian hub, preferably Indonesia, Thailand, or Vietnam.


  • Pitching, reporting and editing stories about tech in Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea
  • Generating ideas and commissioning short turnaround stories, longer reports, interviews and stories in other formats
  • Managing, recruiting, and editing the work of contributors across the region
  • Being Rest of World’s ambassador to the tech community, entrepreneurs, activists, tech users, and policymakers in the region


  • At least 7 years experience in journalism or publishing, with at least 3+ years in editing
  • Fluency in English is required. Language skills that allow working with local reporters are a major plus
  • Willingness to travel within the region
  • Experience reporting on business or tech preferred
  • Experience managing journalists is preferred
  • A strong work ethic, comfort with startup conditions, a motivated self-starter
  • Collaborative, enjoys working in teams with different disciplines and learning from others

The deadline for applications is Oct. 13, 2023.

To apply, please send a resume and a short cover letter to jobs@restofworld.org with “Southeast Asia editor” in the subject line. In your cover letter, please share three stories you’ve edited, describe your role in shaping them, and tell us what you’d do differently this time.

Chris Roush

Chris Roush was the dean of the School of Communications at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. He was previously Walter E. Hussman Sr. Distinguished Professor in business journalism at UNC-Chapel Hill. He is a former business journalist for Bloomberg News, Businessweek, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Tampa Tribune and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. He is the author of the leading business reporting textbook "Show me the Money: Writing Business and Economics Stories for Mass Communication" and "Thinking Things Over," a biography of former Wall Street Journal editor Vermont Royster.

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