
Bloomberg seeks a US consumer team leader

June 20, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Walmart. McDonald’s. Procter & Gamble. Nike. They’re some of the most recognizable brands in the world, companies that reflect the biggest trends in the global economy. And they’re under pressure to serve an increasingly price-conscious and discerning global consumer.

Bloomberg’s US Consumer team covers the shifting fortunes of iconic corporations and new challengers in retail, food, restaurants, apparel and packaged goods. And we’re looking for a leader to steer this vital area of coverage, working with reporters to nail scoops, write authoritatively on deadline, and generate features and projects across multiple platforms.

What We’re Looking For: An experienced journalist who knows how to break news and manage a team of reporters to expand their sources and tease out tips and ideas. A strong writer who’s equally comfortable jamming out a few paragraphs under pressure or working with reporters on the framing of a long-form piece. An unflappable personality who can juggle multiple breaking stories, project management meetings, and personnel matters.

A nimble editor who can work across a variety of digital, video and data visualization platforms. A financially savvy thinker who can spot a nugget of news buried deep in a filing and also make stories a delight to read. And above all, a person with a clear sense of purpose, mission and news judgment, someone who knows how to set priorities and focus on what matters most.

We’ll Trust you to:

  • Work with reporters and editors to get scoops, as well as conceptualize and publish intelligent, high-impact news
  • Shepherd and edit breaking news stories from scoops to analysis on tight daily deadlines
  • Edit feature-length stories about the consumer industry’s impact on consumers, economies and societies in general
  • Work with reporters to ensure accuracy
  • Collaborate with reporters and editors across the newsroom
  • Help develop team members’ skills, conduct reviews and support employees’ career paths
  • Be committed to the best journalistic practices

You’ll need to have:

  • Minimum of five years of business journalism experience, with editing and management experience a plus
  • Knowledge of and interest in consumer behavior and industries such as retail and consumer goods
  • The ability to write and edit quickly and concisely under deadline pressure
  • Ease of working with others across the newsroom

Apply here.

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