Journo Jobs

Bloomberg seeks emerging markets reporter in Brazil

January 10, 2014

Posted by Chris Roush

Bloomberg News is seeking an emerging markets reporter in its Sao Paulo office to cover the local fixed-income markets in Latin America under real-time deadline pressure.

The successful candidate must break news on governments and corporate finance and write agenda-setting stories by interviewing company executives, bankers and investors. The person in this role should have a minimum of three years of journalism experience and should have experience working in a real-time news environment.

Fluency in Portuguese and English is essential.

-Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience
-Minimum of three years of journalism experience
-Experience covering corporate finance and fixed-income markets is a plus
-Experience working in a real-time news environment
-Knowledge of the economy, markets, business
-Ability to write quickly and concisely in English under deadline pressure
-Fluency in Portuguese and English is essential.

To apply, go here.

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