Journo Jobs

Bloomberg seeks commodities markets editor

January 30, 2014

Posted by Chris Roush

Bloomberg News is seeking an experienced editor for its U.S. commodity markets team in New York.

The editor will be responsible for handling stories on agricultural and metals markets, including gold, copper, corn and sugar, and helping to shepherd interviews with newsmakers and prominent forecasters.

In addition, the editor will be responsible for sending headlines and quick summaries for breaking news events or major market moves, and for maintaining online menus devoted to commodity news.

The ideal candidate will also have several years of experience working on feature stories, at least five years of experience in business journalism, and knowledge of or experience in commodities. The editor will be expected to deliver clear and concise copy under deadline pressure and serve as a mentor and coach to reporters.

-Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience
-Knowledge of the economy, financial markets, business and emerging markets
-Minimum of five years of experience in business journalism

To apply, go here.

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