Can blogs save business journalism?

That's the headline of a post I discovered tonight on a blog coming out of Houston. I'm not sure who…

19 years ago

Business journalism education in Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong is creating a program in business and financial journalism. It is being run by a…

19 years ago

Ethics and business journalism

If you were a business reporter and you discovered that a company or an executive that you were writing about…

19 years ago

New biz editor in Milwaukee

Gary Miller has stepped down as business editor of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and has been replaced by Chuck Melvin, a…

19 years ago

NABJ awards for business reporting

The National Association of Black Journalists gave out two awards in the business news category on Saturday in its annual…

19 years ago

Coverage of Apple Computer

Is it too laudatory? Are we seeing the first signs of the media going back to its fawning ways of…

19 years ago

Business across all news beats

I've been struck this week that, despite the efforts of many to understand the relevance of money and numbers, the…

19 years ago

The business side of journalism

Journalists are supposed to like tough questions, but we tend to leave the business questions to others

19 years ago

A business news desk with a blog

As I was going over the Greensboro News & Record's web site earlier today, reading its coverage of the Jefferson-Pilot/Lincoln…

19 years ago

Covering the loss of a city's major HQ

One of the things that I like to look at to gauge a newspaper's strength in reporting about business is…

19 years ago