New York Times' biz reporter dies of cancer

I first met Connie Hays, who died earlier this week of cancer, back in 1996 or 1997 when she took…

19 years ago

Cleveland's unique Monday biz section

One of the business editors I visited with at the American Press Institute on Tuesday runs the biz section at…

19 years ago

Economics journalism from an Indian perspective

I found this today on the blog Indus Churning: "Economic journalism is an island of high wages and returns. It…

19 years ago

What's wrong with business journalism education?

At the American Press Institute seminar I am attending today, along with a dozen business editors from publications throughout North…

19 years ago

Reynolds Center survey of business editors

Today at an American Press Institute workshop for business editors in Reston, Va., the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for…

19 years ago

Covering nuclear plant filing?

The Nieman Watchdog Project has a great list of questions for energy reporters to ask if they're covering a power…

19 years ago

SMU seeks to start business journalism program

Southern Methodist University, which is in Dallas, is starting a business journalism program in conjunction with the business school on…

19 years ago

More criticism of holiday retail coverage

More criticism of holiday retail coverage can be found at in an essay by Dale Dougherty, who notes that…

19 years ago

Why the fascination with newspaper circulation data?

I spent part of my weekend examing a week's worth of business sections for about eight newspapers from across the…

19 years ago

On starting a new business magazine

Someone sent this to me recently. It's a short opinion piece written by Randall Rothenberg of Ad Age to the…

19 years ago