Fortune writers view the Enron trial

Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind, the two Fortune magazine writers who wrote, "The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing…

19 years ago

Syracuse paper folds tech section back into business

The Syracuse Post-Standard announced in today's paper that its previous stand-alone Technology section would now be folded into its Business…

19 years ago

Media coverage of GDP data isn't good

NewsBusters, a web site devoted to exposing the liberal bias in media, has a nice analysis of how the media…

19 years ago

Defense attorney blames Wall Street Journal for Enron's demise

Mike Ramsey, who represents former Enron Corp. CEO Ken Lay in the current conspiracy and fraud trial by the government…

19 years ago

Oregonian workplace reporter seeks advice on exec comp story

Brent Hunsberger, who covers workplace issues at the Oregonion, has been asked by his editors to put together the newspaper's…

19 years ago

Chicago Tribune workplace columnist is retiring

Carol Kleiman, who has been writing about workplace issues for the Chicago Tribune since 1967, is retiring. In her farewell…

19 years ago

Jim Cramer moving radio show to CBS

Mad Money host Jim Cramer, probably the most ubiquitous person in business journalism these days, is moving his one-hour radio…

19 years ago

Donald Trump and the media

Well-known journalist Sydney Schanberg takes on the issue of real estate mogul Donald Trump and his recent libel lawsuit against…

19 years ago

LA Times reporter who wrote about union is leaving

According to L.A. Observed, Miriam Pawel applied for an employee buyout and it was accepted. The series on the United…

19 years ago

Is the Wall Street Journal cutting back overseas?

In a story in the American Journalism Review about the New York Times' efforts to revamp and revitalize the International…

19 years ago