Quartz editor in chief Kevin Delaney sent out the following announcement on Friday:
I’m happy to announce the promotion of Zach Seward to vice president of product and executive editor of Quartz.
This move reflects Zach’s responsibility for a broad range of Quartz’s operations from its earliest days through today, and his central role in our editorial strategy and product advancements going forward. It further formalizes Zach’s senior role in Quartz’s leadership, and responsibility for journalistic and product innovation, growth, and overall excellence.
As you know, Zach is a core member of the team that redesigned our site last year and has been hard at work on several new products that we haven’t publicly announced yet, as well as ongoing improvements to the site. He leads the growth efforts that have propelled us beyond 10 million monthly readers. Zach directly manages an important segment of our newsroom, including the growth team and Things and Glass reporters. And his own writing—such as his expert analysis of Apple TV this week—and ideas for coverage, are consistently among the most popular with readers. Our General Excellence award from SABEW for the second year running is thanks in large part to journalism and product initiatives that Zach has directly touched.
Zach will continue to work in close partnership with other key members of our business, editorial, and development staff. But today’s move also further signals his lead responsibility for ensuring our success going forward.
Please join me in congratulating him.