Media News

Bankadelic podcast: Millennial wealth meets marketing know-how

July 29, 2024

Posted by Lou Carlozzo

The latest episode of Lou Carlozo’s Bankadelic features a guru of millennial finance, especially when it comes to serving the cohort’s banking needs: Martha Bartlett Piland (pictured), President and CEO of Banktastic. And here’s the deal: Millennials as a rule still fight an uphill battle. Though they may stand to benefit from the greatest wealth transfer in history, they also face barriers to entry in the housing market, as well as massive student loan debt and a system that doesn’t understand their overall financial profile. Bartlett Piland shares what she’s learned from forming her millennial advisory board and doesn’t mince words regarding how most banks fail at marketing creativity.

Listen to the episode here.

Check out the Bankadelic archive here.

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