Media News

Holmes named NY Times workplace columnist

June 22, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Anna Holmes

Anna Holmes has been named the workplace columnist for The New York Times.

Stefano Montali of the Times writes, “Twice a month, she’ll dole out advice on money, careers and work-life balance. (Ms. Holmes’s first edition will be published this weekend.) It is a formula she’s used to, having explored workplace culture in Sad Desk Salad, a column for Bloomberg Businessweek.

“Ms. Holmes takes the reins from Roxane Gay, who has steered the column since May 2020, advising readers through conundrums such as whether to express political views in the office, what to do when colleagues exercise during video calls and how to react to overly ambitious, go-getting co-workers.

“Readers may recognize Ms. Holmes’s byline. She is a former contributor to Bookends, a column from The Times Book Review, as well as to other sections, including Opinion. In 2007, she founded Jezebel, the popular feminist online magazine.”

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