Media Moves

National Association of Hispanic Journalists appoints Guillén-Díaz exec director

December 13, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

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Yaneth Guillén-Díaz (Photo: Media Moves)

Yaneth Guillén-Díaz is the new executive director of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

The NAHJ Board of Directors chose Guillén-Díaz, who had been named interim COO in July, after David Peña, Jr resigned as the organization’s executive director.

As its longest-serving staff member, Guillén-Díaz has worked at NAHJ for more than 20 years in a series of roles with increasing responsibility, and under the leadership of nearly a dozen presidents and boards.

She takes the helm of journalism nonprofit that currently has 3,600 members, ahead of its 40th anniversary in 2024.

Prior to serving as COO, Guillén-Díaz was senior director of training and membership, designing, planning, and implementing training programs for professional members, many through industry partnerships. In that role, she oversaw more than 20 professional chapters across the country, as well as developing programs to expand the organization’s membership

She also oversaw the launch of the NAHJ Adelante Academy and its inaugural Latina Leadership Program, which aims to shape the next generation of Latina executive leaders in U.S. newsrooms.

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