Journo Jobs

StarNews Media seeks a community engagement editor

October 30, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

The StarNews/, part of the USA TODAY NETWORK, is looking for a community engagement editor who has a passion for understanding current and potential readers and developing strategies and content to serve those readers.

This editor will be responsible for managing and writing opinion content in addition to other community outreach efforts. We want someone who can lead provocative conversations about issues critical to Wilmington-area residents, through commentary across digital platforms, the print newspaper and virtual and in-person forums.

This person will develop commentary that is relentlessly focused on local topics and is deeply reported, yet, as appropriate, turned quickly in response to news of the day. This editor will pivot quickly to write columns, solicit op-eds and conduct Q&As tied to urgent local topics. We would also look for opportunities to augment major national issues with local voices.

This person will not write editorials as the voice of the newsroom. Instead, they will have the opportunity to write a regular column, using their voice for commentary, on issues important to Wilmington readers.

The ideal candidate will be open-minded, welcoming of diverse viewpoints, invested in the community and passionate about honing sharp arguments yet collegial in debating issues with colleagues or readers with opposing views.

Responsibilities also include helping select and edit letters and guest columns, ensuring content is thoroughly researched, accurately sourced and meets the StarNews’ journalistic and ethical standards; helping plan print pages; and contributing to the StarNews’ long-term diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

This editor will also be responsible for managing and producing content associated with a new weekly feature that seeks to answer readers’ questions.

We are eager to learn more about you and how you fit this role. When you apply, don’t limit your upload to a resume; show us what you’ve done. To do so, put together a single document file that includes the following, in this order:

  1. Your resume – one to two pages.
  2. A cover letter that outlines how you would approach the job.
  3. Links to 3 online samples of your work. Show us what you’ve produced or had a hand in that best reflects what you can do in your desired role.

It is important that these items be assembled into a single document and uploaded in PDF format. Completing these steps will ensure that your application receives the highest consideration.

For further details click here.

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