Media News

Russian court denies Gershkovich appeal

June 22, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Evan Gershkovich

A Russian court upheld the extended detention of Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter deemed by the U.S. to be wrongfully held, report Journal reporters Ann Simmons and Shelby Holliday.

Simmons and Holliday report, “In a statement, the Journal said, ‘Although the outcome was expected, it is no less an outrage that his detention continues to be upheld. Evan has been wrongfully detained for more than 12 weeks for nothing more than doing his job as a journalist. We continue to demand his immediate release.’

“Gershkovich’s parents, Ella Milman and Mikhail Gershkovich, were present in the courtroom and stood next to the box ahead of the hearing. While waiting for the ruling to be announced, they spoke at length with Gershkovich, who smiled and gesticulated as they conversed.

“In a phone call before their trip to Moscow, Milman said she felt it was important to see their son in person and show that they are standing with him.”

Read more here.

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