Media News

WSJ statement on State Department designation

April 10, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Wall Street Journal publisher Almar Latour and editor in chief Emma Tucker sent out the following on Monday:


Today the U.S. State Department designated our colleague Evan Gershkovich as wrongfully detained by the Russian government.

This distinction will unlock additional resources and attention at the highest levels of the U.S. government in securing his release. We are doing everything in our power to support Evan and his family and will continue working with the State Department and other relevant U.S. officials to push for his release.

He is a distinguished journalist, and his arrest is an attack on a free press, and it should spur outrage in all free people and governments around the world.

Thank you for your ongoing support for Evan and his family. Please keep sharing The Wall Street Journal’s coverage widely and we will continue to keep you updated.

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