Capitol Monitor, New Statesman Media Group has tapped Adrian Murdoch to serve as deputy editor.
He will cover sustainability with a focus on corporates, banks and asset owners. Recently, Murdoch held the post of corporates editor.
Previously, he was an editor at LaingBuisson, Healthcare Markets International. He held editorial roles at Finance Asia, Haymarket Media Group and Health Investor Asia, at Investor Publishing Ltd.
He has freelanced for IFR, Asiamoney, Euroweek, Institutional Investor, Health Investor, Wall Street Journal Europe, The Herald, The Scotsman, Global Agenda, Institutional Investor, Minerva and Gramophone.
He was at Thomson Reuters for four years, where he worked as a screens editor Asia, IFR Markets and senior correspondent at Reuters Insider Television.
He was also assistant editor at World Link, the magazine of the World Economic Forum at Euromoney.
Murdoch is a graduate of The Queen’s College, Oxford.
You can congratulate Murdoch via Twitter.