rolls out Main Street

Keith Kelly of the New York Post writes Monday about’s new venture called, which aims to attract consumers interested in personal finance coverage. Kelly wrote, “Though anything with a financial theme is seen as riskier today than it was a year ago, officials see as something different. “‘There’s no reason […]

CNET shares rise amid speculation of Google offer

Shares of media company CNET Networks Inc., currently battling dissident shareholders who want to expand its board, soared more than 7 percent on Friday, on speculation that Google Inc might be interested in acquiring a stake in it, according to a Reuters story. CNET operates a tech news service, as well as other news operations. […]

The WSJ covers more politics

David Carr of The New York Times writes for Monday’s paper that The Wall Street Journal is spending an increasing amount of news hole in covering politics, not business. Carr wrote, “The Wall Street Journal, which has historically had a thing for guys in pinstripes rendered in stippled drawings, is taking its makeover very seriously. […]

Changes to Connecticut paper's business section

Anthony Cronin, the business editor of the New London Day in Connecticut, writes Sunday about changes to the paper’s business section. One of the changes is that Cronin’s column, which had focused on workplace issues during the week, will now move to the Sunday business section and cover a wider variety of topics. Cronin wrote, […]

Pennsylvania paper combines news editor and biz editor positions

The Harrisburg Patriot-News has combined the business editor and news editor positions into one person who will oversee both departments, according to an announcement Sunday. Ford Turner wrote, “Tom Barstow, formerly business editor, has become news editor. The position replaces city editor and includes new responsibilities. The newspaper has combined its news and business departments […]

Florida paper drops Sunday business section

The Lakeland Ledger, a New York Times newspaper in Florida, is dropping its Sunday business section, according to a story in the paper. The story stated, “The decision was not an easy one, said Ledger Publisher Jerome Ferson. But he noted economic conditions for newspapers remain difficult, and how resources are allocated must change. “‘Providing […]

Tacoma paper changing stock listings

David Zeeck, the executive editor of the Tacoma News-Tribune, writes Sunday about changes to the paper’s stock listings starting this week. Zeeck wrote, “You’ll still see five ‘Highlights of the Day’ topping the page as they do now. But other elements will change. “‘We added a look at the most important financial news with graphic […]

Assessing the TV business news wars

Jonathan Berr of analyzes the impact of the business news wars on television and what it means for coverage. Berr wrote, “In its brief existence, Fox Business Network has largely distinguished itself for being undistinguished, making some unbelievably stupid mistakes such as confusing Apple Inc. with Abu Dhabi. More recently, the anchors of the […]

Tallahassee paper adds Money & Markets to Sunday paper

Dave Hodges, the business editor of the Tallahassee Democrat, writes Saturday that the paper will make changes to its Sunday stock listings. Hodges wrote, “Sunday’s Business & Growth section will include a new feature called Money & Markets Extra. It is a report on how the equities markets did for the week, along with more […]

The good, and bad, of Schwarzman profile executive editor Yvette Kantrow writes about business journalist James B. Stewart‘s profile of billionaire Steve Schwarzman in the latest New Yorker, lauding his attempts to humanize his subject but wondering why he didn’t tackle how his money was made. Kantrow wrote, “What about private equity, which made Schwarzman’s superluxe lifestyle possible? What are Stewart’s […]