Claire Atkinson of NBC News interviewed Wall Street Journal editor Matt Murray about his job.
Here is an excerpt:
Q: In your eight months in this position, what have you changed?
A: Our job is partly to synthesize but have unique lanes in stories that we can really dominate. Michael Cohen is very important to us. One story we’ve really dominated has been the Federal Reserve and rate hikes — one of the biggest stories last year — and the impact on the economy, and criticism that the president has leveled at the Fed and how [Fed Chairman Jerome] Powell has responded to that. That’s a classic Wall Street Journal story.
We’re all trying to get our heads around climate change and the impact on all of us. It’s a big, complex topic beyond emissions. One of the things we did last year is a good, strong series going pretty deep into investors and money managers and where they are placing bets and how they’re understanding what’s happening.
I’d also like to grow our international audience again. We closed our international edition two years ago. Covering foreign news is important. It’s a time where cost cuts for many organizations have meant cuts overseas — but at the same time we’re more global than we’ve ever been. Readers need to know what’s happening with Brexit and what’s happening in France, the European Union, and the new ISIS splinter group that’s growing in Africa. These are big issues.
Read more here.