Some tech reporters expressed frustration that they did not receive an iPhone X to review at the same time other reporters received one, writes Alexei Oreskovic of Business Insider.
Oreskovic writes, “In a series of venom-filled posts on Monday, for example, Apple blogger John Gruber lashed out at some of the media outlets he apparently deemed unworthy of getting early access to the new iPhone.
“‘Thank god Apple seeded Mike Allen with an iPhone X review unit. Such great insight from his fucking nephew, the emoji expert,’ Gruber wrote sarcastically, referring to a piece in which the Axios executive editor delegated some of his product review to his 19-year-old nephew.
“‘Thank god Apple seeded Fashion with a review unit,’ Gruber railed on, referring to a YouTube video blogger who also numbered among the first to receive an iPhone X test device. While Gruber got a review unit as well, he was one of the bloggers that were given less time than usual to test the device before he could publish his review.
“Gruber, along with many other outlets including Business Insider, had less than 24 hours to play with the iPhone X before Apple’s restrictions on publishing reviews lifted Tuesday morning. By contrast, Apple allowed Allen, Wired’s Stephen Levy, and several YouTube bloggers, to publish their reviews on Monday after having their test devices for about a week.”
Read more here.