Business news site Quartz, which is celebrating its fifth anniversary, has grown to 22 million monthly unique visitors, writes editor in chief Kevin Delaney.
Delaney writes, “When we launched Quartz, on Sept. 24, 2012, the world was just emerging from a financial crisis that made clear traditional ways of doing business would no longer stand. We promised you a new kind of business news organization that would challenge assumptions, embrace technological change, and stand for a more open and connected world. Five years on, that mission feels more important than ever.
“Quartz now reaches more than 100 million of you every month across various platforms. Just last month, our website had 22 million unique visitors. We also serve you through email, apps, videos, audio, and charts — with each experience tailored to the specific medium. We’re very proud of our success in showing that high-quality journalism can thrive in the digital era with a bold and creative approach, one which other media companies now look to as a model.”
Read more here.