, the online arm of Inc. magazine, announced Tuesday that it has four new blogs to its website. The blogs will explore various aspects of entrepreneurship.
Jay Goltz, who had never held a full-time job until he became CEO and founder of the Goltz Group, writes about the tough calls that bosses have to make and the conundrums no one has ever warned them about in his new blog Boss School: ‘Making the Tough
Inc. executive editor Mike Hofman filters all the day’s news through an entrepreneurial lens in his new blog The Browser.
Honest Tea president Seth Goldman writes about how you can be committed to social responsibility — and still build one of the fastest growing private companies in America in his new blog The Mission Driven Business.
Greg Wittstock, founder and CEO of Aquascape, a $60 million company that sells equipment for ponds and water gardens, writes about the pain of having to cut his budget 20 percent and lay off 17 workers in his new daily blog Pondemonium.