Personal finance columnist Gail MarksJarvis has left the Chicago Tribune and joined Reuters, where she will write a weekly column to appear on Wednesdays.
MarksJarvis had been at the Tribune since 2005, and her column there had been nationally syndicated.
She has been named “Best Financial Columnist” by Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and has received 17 other journalism awards for her work, including a National Clarion Award for human rights reporting.
She’s the author of the book “Saving for Retirement (Without Living like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery).”
In addition to writing her weekly column, MarksJarvis makes numerous appearances on television and radio. She has been a reporter for National Public Radio’s “Marketplace,” and has provided analysis on “Talk of the Nation,” “Sound Money,” public television, and ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates.
Prior to starting her personal finance columns, she spent a decade covering business, won the nation’s top award for airline reporting, and wrote for publications ranging from USA Today to the St. Paul Pioneer Press.