New York Times editorial page editor James Bennet, op-ed editor Jim Dao and deputy editorial page editor Katie Kingsbury sent out the following announcement on Thursday:
So as you know we’ve been experimenting around here with new ways to do opinion journalism, and at the same time we’ve been building new expertise in various subject areas, particularly technology and its impact on… everything. We’re happy to tell you that, in significant furtherance of both these efforts, Charlie Warzel, senior technology writer for BuzzFeed News, will be joining us in March, in a writing role that’s new for Opinion.
Charlie will be an Opinion writer at large. He’ll produce a regular newsletter chronicling the intersection of technology, media and politics, and he’ll be writing analysis pieces off the news and reporting bigger enterprise projects, as the story and our shared ambitions demand. As you may know, from his perch at BuzzFeed, Charlie has already helped shape public understanding of the business and culture of technology, and particularly the sources and nature of disinformation and how it spreads across the web.
Before joining BuzzFeed, Charlie covered digital media as a staff writer for Adweek. He’ll be collaborating across the department, but working most closely with other members of our growing tech team that includes Farhad Manjoo, Sarah Jeong, Susan Fowler Rigetti, Alex Kingsbury and Kara Swisher, and the contributors Zeynep Tufekci and Tim Wu.
Here’s another neat thing about Charlie: He operates out of Missoula, Mont., and will remain based there for us. He’ll be visiting around the time he joins in March, and we hope you’ll join us in welcoming him then.