BuzzFeed tech editor John Paczkowski sent out the following announcement to the staff:
I’m very excited to announce that Ryan Mac is joining the Tech Desk as a senior technology reporter. He’s going to be covering the nexus of power, wealth and technology simmering in Silicon Valley. He’s also going to keep his eye on the emerging tech beat and the giants of the industry, which he’s already covered so well during his years at Forbes.
Ryan is a scoop machine and a dogged reporter with a track record for uncovering those great stories that often lurk beneath the surface of the news – whether it’s being first to report that Peter Thiel was financing Hulk Hogan’s suit against Gawker, discovering what went wrong in GoPro’s ill-fated drone program, charting the collapse of 3D Robotics, telling the real story of Silk Road and Dread Pirate Roberts, or diving deep into the tale of Minecraft’s sale to Microsoft.Ryan is also a ferocious Arsenal fan, and recently busted — horrifically — one of his fingers while slide tackling someone in a soccer game. He live-tweeted his trip to the hospital. (View the results — gruesome! — at your own peril here: https://twitter.com/RMac18/status/851144823360835584)Ryan’s joining our already formidable team of tech reporters. He’ll be based in San Francisco and he starts June 5. Let’s all please welcome him to BuzzFeed!