Media News

WSJ hires Politico reporters Ward, Seligman

June 25, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Alex Ward, the co-author of Politico’s massive scoop about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, is leaving for The Wall Street Journal along with fellow Pentagon reporter Lara Seligman, reports Maxwell Tani of Semafor.

Alex Ward

Ward is a national security reporter who covers the White House’s role in forming and executing U.S. foreign policy, and the power players shaping national security policy in Washington. He was the first anchor of Politico’s “National Security Daily” newsletter.

Ward has won numerous awards for his reporting and was part of a Politico team that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Previously, Ward was Vox’s White House and national security reporter.

He is the author of the book, “The Internationalists: The Fight to Restore American Foreign Policy after Trump.” Ward is also a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Lara Seligman

Seligman is an award-winning journalist who covers the Pentagon for Politico. Her reporting on the military and the defense industry has taken her around the world, from the Middle East to Mongolia to the backseat of an Air Force Thunderbird.

Before joining Politico, Seligman covered the Pentagon and national security for Foreign Policy. There, she traveled to West Africa to cover the rapidly expanding terrorism threat in the Sahel, and accompanied the Secretary of Defense on his first international trip to Asia. She has also written for The Washington Post, Defense News, Aviation Week, and Inside Defense.

A Philadelphia native, she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2011.

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