OLD Media Moves

FT launches Android application

December 5, 2011

Posted by Chris Roush

The Financial Times has launched the beta version of its Android App, available for large screen tablets, including the Samsung 10.1 inch tablet and small screen Android phones.

The app is available to download for free from the Android market and is integrated into the FT.com access model whereby, upon registration, users are able to sample the content before subscribing. This ensures that customers can access FT content on a desktop computer and across multiple devices, with one login and one subscription payment.

Mobile is now the FT’s biggest channel for digital subscriptions, driving 15 percent of new subscriptions and 20 percent of traffic to FT.com.

“FT mobile apps offer our customers flexibility and freedom of choice with access to our global journalism anytime, anywhere, with a single login and subscription,” said Rob Grimshaw, FT.com managing director, in a statement. “”ur new Android app will allow FT content to be easily consumed across a rapidly growing range of new mobile devices and builds on the success of the recently launched FT Web App.”

The app automatically refreshes content, which is stored to read offline, and it has access to a wide-range of FT content, including blogs and graphics.

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