OLD Media Moves

Dealing with the Old Boys Club

January 7, 2009

Greg Archer of Delight magazine profiles Fox Business Network anchor Alexis Glick in the latest issue, noting how she’s working in the traditionally male-dominated area of business and business journalism.

Archer writes, “But it’s her sportsmanship that fuels her success in the field of business and finance. ‘A lot of former [Wall Street] traders have some form of athletic background, and that is what makes them so competitive and aggressive and tenacious,’ Glick adds. ‘They have the same kind of sports ethic that makes them hungry and excited.’
“Still, there’s one question she can’t escape: How does a woman deal with the fact that she is one of the only females in a male-oriented field?Â

“‘I never go into something with the idea that it’s this ‘Old Boy’s Club’ or ‘How am I going to fit in; how am I going to make my voice heard?” she says. ‘You sit in a room, you listen, you contribute, you dot your I’s and cross your T’s and don’t show up to any meeting without being prepared.'”

Read more here.

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